Forward Thinking

Every day in the United States of America, nearly 10,000 men and women reach 65 years of age. That rate is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

Active Interest in the Future

Be vigilant about the issues that impact older adults – keep moving, keep learning, and keep in touch with one another.


Real I.D. brochure

We have created a user friendly, senior-specific Real I.D. brochure for you to print and share with your local community. real id brochure

Berkshire County COA Fitness Programs

TAI CHI Adams COA - Tai chi class Tuesdays at 9:15am (East Center Street location) North Adams COA - Tai chi class in the Armory on Mondays at 9:30 Pittsfield COA - Beginner class Fridays at 1:45pm; Regular class on Wednesdays at 10:30amĀ  & 12:30pm; Advanced class...